Hi there 👋. I am,

Sarath Vangipuram,

I am from India

I'm a
  • Student
  • Developer
  • Pythoneer !
  • CG Enthusiast

About Me!

A self proclaimed Junior Dev, self taught, and a passionate learner. I have been working with python for the last year .

Adept With

Python Pygame JavaScript(ES6) HTML CSS OOPs

Worked With

React Flask Php Laravel (Data Bases) ML & AI Game Dev Computer Vision GDScript Java C C++ etc...



Wireworld is a cellular automaton first proposed by Brian Silverman in 1987, as part of his program Phantom Fish Tank. It subsequently became more widely known as a result of an article in the "Computer Recreations" column of Scientific American. Wireworld is particularly suited to simulating transistors, and Wireworld is Turing-complete i.e It can simulate a turning machine.

Open in Github

Rock Paper Scissors with Hand tracking

Didn't you play Rock Paper Scissors when you were a kid! This takes me back. It is the classical game of Rock, Paper, Scissors but with a twist it's played with Computer using hand tracking. It is made using Mediapipe.

Open in Github

Fourier Transform

Fourier transform a function that converts the function of time to function of frequency. This project uses Fourier transform to darw the svg's using the epicycles. \({X_k = \sum x_n \cdot e^{-i 2 \pi k n / N}}\)

Open in Github

A* Visualizer

Google maps the most used maps right now! uses path finding algorithms to find the shortest path between two locations such one algorithm is A*. This simple application in python using pygame inspired from tech with tim (a youtuber) visualses A* algorithm.

Open in Github

Conways Game Of Life

A game with simple rules founded by Jhon Horton Conway. Altough a simple game it is discussed that has a possibilty to solve every existing problem.

Open in Github

Tic Tac Toe

A tic tac toe game against a computer which searches for moves using backtracking. Practically speaking you can never beat this AI! What ? Yeah that's true all the tic-tac-toe games have been played and all of them end in draw! if neither side makes a mistake. Regardless it's a fun game to play.

Open in Github
